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This Sunday we are exploring contemplative worship, a style of worship that involves more meditative music and reflective practices. We will be using a paraphrase of Isaiah 43 and I thought I would offer the method of Lectio Divina to you here in case you would like to practice it.

For this method, you can use ANY scripture text, poem, or piece of writing that you would like to dive more deeply into, although scripture is traditionally what is used.

Lectio Divina: (literally means divine reading). There are traditionally five steps to reading scripture or a passage this way. You can do this in as much or as little time as you wish. The reading of scripture this way invites you into a deeper, more personal relationship with the text…and sometimes you will “hear” different things each time you do it. Here are the steps:

1. Prepare: perhaps light a candle, or take some deep breathes, or sit somewhere that makes you feel calm, then spend a few moments in a prayer of invitation…saying something like: God, let me hear you speaking to me.”

2. Lectio (Read): read the scripture text or poem or passage. Listen carefully for any words or phrases that jump out for you. Don’t force this…just notice what arises. Ask yourself what beckons, inspires or captures you. You might write this in your journal.

3. Meditatio (Reflect): read the piece again, focusing on the points that jumped out at you the first time. Allow the phrase or word to unfold more deeply. Pay attention to where God has nudged you. Reflect on what God might be saying to you through this awareness. Write that in your journal.

4. Oratio (Respond): read the text one more time and then respond by journaling or just by pondering what has arisen for you from this experience. Is there anything you are being called to do or change as a result? What is God asking from you? Write some more as writing it down often helps to open up your ideas and so that you can come back to reflect on them again later.

5. Contemplatio (Rest): spend a few moments after you have written or pondered…in silent contemplation. Sit quietly and let God work! Be still…and see what happens. Then end your contemplation time with a prayer of gratitude.

You can practice this with the scripture reading from today, or any passage you would like to dive more deeply into.


Here is the text we are using this week:

Isaiah 43 (a paraphrase)

You are precious in my eyes.

You are honoured and I love you.

Do not be afraid for I am with you.

I have called you by your are mine.

Should you pass through the sea, I am with you

or through the rivers, they will not swallow you up.

Should you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched,

for I am Yahweh Your Saviour.


May this practice bring you new insights and inspiration this week.

God Bless you!
